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Pamphilus seeing Galathea.

Pamphilus seeing Galathea.

O God, gif sche cums with ane gudly grace,
With nakit hair, and countenence so mile,
This is ane maist conuenient proper place,
vntill vs twa, for to confer ane quhile:
I am in feir, as ane into exile,
In dolorous torments, heir for to be left,
And that my voice, and wourdis sall tine thair stile,
As ane, that of thair sencis are bereft.
My force and strength, away from me is went,

I ttymbil and schaik baith into handis and feit,
To me pure catif in astonisment,
Thair is no part that proper is or meit:
I purposit oft my tail for to repeit,
And of my mynd till maid my stomak tume,
Bot feir and dreid hes so pocest my spreit,
To speik my pleasour I durst not presume.
Alterd I am with angueische greif and baill,
Sua that I skars can ken my self throw cair,
Houbeid ye se my voce dois faint and faill,
Yit not the les to speik I wil not spair.