University of Virginia Library


Page 24


  • 1. How many Indians did the English find in Virginia, and what is
    said of their clans or tribes?

  • 2. To what great family did they belong?

  • 3. Describe the appearance of the Virginia Indians.

  • 4. Of what did their clothes consist, and how did they show their love
    of ornament?

  • 5. Give an estimate of the character of the Indian.

  • 6. Why was it their custom to return evil for evil?

  • 7. Describe their weapons.

  • 8. How did they construct their wigwams?

  • 9. Why did they never allow the fire to go out?

  • 10. What did they use for chairs and beds?

  • 11. What products did they cultivate, and how did they clear their

  • 12. What is said of the women or squaws?

  • 13. What was their method of warfare?

  • 14. Explain what was meant by "running the gantlet."

  • 15. What did they learn from nature?

  • 16. What rude arts did they teach their children?

  • 17. Did they have much idea of numbers?

  • 18. On what mission did Powhatan send Tomocomo to London?

  • 19. Give illustrations of how they regarded self-control.

  • 20. How did they count years, and from what was the name derived?

  • 21. Describe their chief festival.

  • 22. Their festival dance.

  • 23. What was the belief of the Indians?

  • 24. Why did they pray to the evil spirit?

  • 25. What legend had they as to their god, Kiwassa?

  • 26. What was Powhatan's position among them?

  • 27. How did he view the coming of the English?