University of Virginia Library

Worth While to Read.

Two articles of more than usual merit
and interest appear in the October number
of the Alumni Bulletin: "Luke as a
Model in the Choice of a Life Work," by
Rev. Dr. W. W. Moore, of Richmond;
and "The Academic Degrees and the
University Standard," by Prof. R. H.
Dabney, Dean of the Department of
Graduate Studies, University of Virginia.
Dr. Moore's production was delivered at
the University on the 9th of last June as
the annual baccalaureate sermon; but
the article by Prof. Dabney was written
specially for the Bulletin, in view of the
interest that is now being so widely
aroused in reference to the University
elective system of studies. From the
standpoint of vital interest and historical
value, it would be difficult to determine
which of these articles make the stronger
appeal to the educated man.