University of Virginia Library

W. Rice Barksdale.

There are but few more progressive
or enterprising young men in Charlottesville
than Mr. W. Rice Barksdale
estimator and general Superintendent
of the Charlottesville Lumber Company.
Mr. Barksdale was born in

Albemarle County Nov. 8, 1859 and
received a good public school education.
He came to Charlottesville and
served an apprenticeship with the contracting
firm of Vandegrift & Walter
and owing to his steady habits and
extraordinary skill it was not long
before he was made foreman. He later
accepted a position with the New
South Mining & Improvement Company
and for them superintended the
construction of the county road bridge
over the Clinch river between the
Counties of Russell and Wise. After
this he located in Salem Va., and conducted
a general contracting business
until 1895, and while here married


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Miss Lucy Walters. In July of the
year mentioned Mr. Barksdale returned
to Charlottesville and became
the general superintendant for the
firm of Vandegrift & Son and with
them remained until 1897 when he
entered the employ of the well known
and extensive Charlottesville Lumber
Company where he still remains in

Residence of S. C. Chancellor.

the previously mentioned capacity.
Mr. Barksdale is one of Charlottesville's
most popular citizens. He is a resident
of the First Ward from where he was
elected in April to succeed R. T. W.
Duke as City Councilman. Mr.
Barksdale is a veteran of the famous
old Monticello Guard in which he was
a non-commissioned officer serving as
Sergeant, being appointed from the
ranks by James L. Gordon. Mr.
Barksdale is the owner of a nice residence
on the Jefferson Memorial Road,
Belmont, and it is a home well worthy
of such a sterling citizen as he.