The University of Virginia record March 1, 1927 | ||
Absences from Examinations | 23 |
Absences from Lectures | 23 |
Administrative Directory | 5 |
Announcements | 12 |
Art | 40 |
Assembly, General | 18 |
Astronomy | 41 |
Attendance | 12 |
Baggage | 15 |
Biblical Literature | 41 |
Biology | 41-42 |
Board and Rooms | 14 |
Boarding Houses | 78 |
Cafeteria, University | 15 |
Calendar, Academic | 4 |
Certificate, Collegiate | 37 |
Certificate, Collegiate Professional | 36-37 |
Certificate, Elementary | 32-34 |
Certificate, Extension and Renewal of |
38 |
Certificate, Normal Professional | 34-36 |
Certificate, Special | 36 |
Certificates on Partial Course | 32-33 |
Certificates, Virginia | 31 |
Certification of Teachers, Changes in | 31 |
Chemistry | 42-43 |
Commercial Geography | 44 |
Commercial Law | 44 |
Convocation | 18 |
Credit Allowed by other States | 21 |
Credit, College | 22 |
Credit, Entrance | 21 |
Credit, Regulations Concerning | 21 |
Credit, University of Virginia College | 21 |
Credits, State | 23 |
Degree of Bachelor of Arts | 25 |
Degree of Bachelor of Science | 25-26 |
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education |
27 |
Degree of Master of Arts | 28 |
Degree of Master of Science | 29 |
Degrees | 23 |
Dramatic Art | 44-45 |
Economics | 45 |
Education | 46-53 |
English | 53-56 |
Entertainments and Lectures | 13-14 |
Entrance Requirements | 12 |
Examinations, Special | 23 |
Examinations, Schedule of | 4 |
Excursions | 13 |
Expenses | 15 |
Faculty | 6-11 |
Fees, Late Registration and Transfer | 17 |
Fees, Medical | 17 |
Fees, Non-Virginia Students | 16 |
Fees, Payment of | 17-18 |
Fees, Refund of | 17 |
Fees, Virginia Teachers and Students | 16 |
French | 64 |
German | 64 |
Grade | 22 |
Grade, Report of | 23 |
Graduate Studies, Admission to | 28 |
Graduate Work in Education | 29 |
Greek | 56 |
Gymnasium, New Memorial | 20 |
History | 56-57 |
Honor System | 23 |
Industrial and Fine Arts | 57-58 |
Latin | 58-59 |
Library Economy | 59 |
Library, General | 20 |
Library, Heck Memorial | 20 |
Location | 13 |
Mail, Students' | 20 |
Manual Arts | 60-61 |
Mathematics | 61-63 |
Maximum and Minimum Number Session-hours |
22 |
Medical Attendance | 17 |
Medical Sciences | 63-64 |
Modern Foreign Languages | 64-66 |
Music | 67-70 |
Officers of the Summer Quarter | 3 |
Philosophy | 70-71 |
Photography | 71 |
Physical Education | 71-72 |
Physics | 73 |
Political Science | 73-74 |
Pre-Law Courses | 29 |
Pre Medical Courses | 30 |
Psychology | 74 |
Railroad Rates, Reduced | 15 |
Recitations and Lectures, Time and Place of |
18 |
Re-examinations | 23 |
Registration by Mail | 19 |
Registration by Mail, Procedure for |
19 |
Registration for Graduate Work | 27 |
Registration in Person | 18-19 |
Rest and Study Rooms | 20 |
Session-hour | 22 |
Secretarial Courses | 74-75 |
Sociology | 75 |
Spanish | 64 |
Teachers' Positions | 21 |
Transcripts of Records | 23 |
Vesper Services, Sunday | 18 |
Vespers Choir | 18 |
Writing | 76 |
The University of Virginia record March 1, 1927 | ||