University of Virginia Library



The Roman Senate could not give Augustus Honours equal to his Virtues.

What care of Senate-Lords or people may
With fullest Honours, guifts (AUGUSTUS high)
Through Statues styles, Historick way
Thy Virtues grant eternity:
O thou of Princes great'st, where-ere the Sun
Enlightens habitable Ground from far;
Whom rough Vindelicks, that shun
Rome's laws, have learn'd what thou in War
Canst stoutly atchive; for by thy conquering Bands
Genauni, Brenni swift (keen-temper'd Race)
DRUSUS oft through thy commands
Ore-turn'd, and did their Forts deface:
Which shew'd on dreadful Alps their threatning Tow'rs:
Soon after too those Rhætians (fiercely fam'd)
Th' elder NERO through thy pow'rs
Prosperous guidance bravely tam'd.
Most worthy to behold in Martial strife,
How he did tire with slaughtering chase their Brests
(To Death devout 'bove thralled Life)
Like southern Wind whose blasts infests
The sturdy, rolling waves, Pleideian train
Breaking through clouds: such active he with speed
To vex arm'd Troops, through-Fire to strain
Advance with his incensed steed.
So hurries on bull-form'd Aufidus
Which washeth CAUNUS Realm, th' Apulian bounds;
And raging fearful Deluge thus
Designs to th' well manured grounds;
As CLAUDIUS force extream did ruine, spoil
Those iron-fenced Troops Barbarian,
(Formost, last measur'd, strow'd the Soil)
Bright Conqueror scarce lost a man:
Thou sending armed pow'rs, firm Counsels thou,
Propitious Gods; for on that self same day
Great havens, Court with humble Brow
Set ope by Alexandria:


Not fifteen years, Fortune indulgent thus
Did give by CLAUDIUS war most happy Cloze;
Wisht-for Honour, praise assign'd
To thee, shewn vengeance on thy Foes.
Thee stout Cantabria till now untam'd,
Mede, Judian both, thee Scythians wanting home
Admire; O thou defence proclaim'd
To Italy, worlds Empress Rome.
Thee Nilus which conceals his Fountain-heads,
And Ister-stream, that rapaid Tigris thee,
With whale-stor'd Main which murmur spreads
On farthest shores of Britany.
Thee land of France, which death-contemners prove,
Laborious Spain does fear, obey by Fate;
Germans thee (though slaughters love)
Their Arms laid by do venerate.