University of Virginia Library


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"To the lasting memory of Major Lewis Burwell, of the county of Gloucester,
in Virginia, gentleman, who descended from the ancient family of the
Burwells, of the counties of Bedford and Northampton, in England, who,
nothing more worthy in his birth than virtuous in his life, exchanged this
life for a better, on the 19th day of November, in the 33d year of his age,
A.D. 1658."


"The daughter of Robert Higginson. She died November 26th, 1675.
. . . . . She was the wife of Major Lewis Burwell."


"Here lyeth the body of Lewis, son of Lewis Burwell and Abigail his
wife, on the left hand of his brother Bacon and sister Jane. He departed
this life ye sixteenth day of September, 1676, in the 15th year of his


"Here lyeth the body of Mary, the daughter of Lewis and Martha his
wife. She departed this life in the first year of her age, on the 20th of


"To the sacred memory of Abigail, the loving and beloved wife of
Major Lewis Burwell, of the county of Gloucester, gent., who was descended
of the illustrious family of the Bacons, and heiress of the Hon.
Nathaniel Bacon, Esq., President of Virginia, who, not being more
honourable in her birth than virtuous in her life, departed this world the
12th day of November, 1672, aged 36 years, having blessed her husband
with four sons and six daughters."


"Beneath this tomb lyeth the body of Major Nathaniel Burwell, eldest
son of Major Lewis Burwell, who, by well-regulated conduct and firm integrity,
justly established a good reputation. He died in the 41st year
of his age, leaving behind him three sons and one daughter,[97] by Elizabeth,
eldest daughter of Robert Carter, Esq., in the year of our Lord Christ


Of these, the daughter, Elizabeth Burwell, married President William Nelson,
and was the mother of General Thomas Nelson, &c. One son, Lewis, was the grandfather
of the late Lewis Burwell, of Richmond, &c., and father of Mrs. P. B. Whiting;
and the other was Carter Burwell, of The Grove, who married Lucy Grymes,
the sister of Alice, wife of Mann Page, and daughter of the Hon. John Grymes;
and he was the father of Col. Nathaniel Burwell, of Carter Hall, in Frederick
county, Virginia; and the third son was Robert Carter Burwell, of the Isle of
Wight, the father of Nathaniel Burwell of the same county, (whose children were
Robert C. Burwell, of Long Branch, Frederick, and his four sisters,) and Fanny,
the first wife of Col. John Page, of Rosewell, since Governor of Virginia.


"Here lyeth the body of the Hon. Lewis Burwell, son of Major Lewis
Burwell and Lucy his wife, of the county of Gloucester, who first married


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Abigail Smith, of the family of the Bacons, by whom he had four sons
and six daughters; and, after her death, Martha, widow of the Hon. William
Cole, by whom he had two sons and eight daughters, and departed
this life 19th day of Dec., 1710, leaving behind him three sons and six


"Sacred to the memory of the dearly-beloved . . . Martha, daughter
of . . . . of Nansemond county, in Virginia, married to Col. William
Cole, by whom she had no sons and no daughters. Afterward married
to Major Lewis Burwell, by whom she had six sons and three daughters;
resigned this mortal life the 4th day of Aug. 1704."

Copies of inscriptions on the tombstones of Ware Church, which sto
were covered by the erection of a new chancel-floor in said church in


"Underneath this stone lyeth interred the body of Amy Richards, the
most dearly-beloved wife of John Richards, minister of this parish, who
departed this life 21st of November, 1725, aged 40 years.

"Near her dear mistress lies the body of Mary Ades, her faithful and
beloved servant, who departed this life the 23d of November, 1725, aged
28 years."


"Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Ann Willis, the wife of Col. Francis
Willis, who departed this life the 10th of June, 1727, in the 32d year
of her age. Also the body of A., daughter of the abovesaid, aged 7 days."


"Underneath this stone lyeth the body of Mr. John Richards, late rector
of Nettlestead, and vicar of Teston, in the county of Kent, in the kingdom
of England, and minister of Ware, in the county of Gloucester and Colony
of Virginia, who, after a troublesome passage through the various changes
and chances of this mortal life, at last reposed in this silent grave in expectation
of a joyful resurrexion to eternal life. He died the 12th day
of November, in the year of our Lord MDCC . . . V., aged 46."


"Here lyeth the body of Isabel, daughter of Mr. Thomas Booth, wite
of Rev. John Fox, minister of this parish; who with exemplary patience
having borne various afflictions, and with equal piety discharged her several
duties on earth, cheerfully yielded to mortality, exchanging the miseries
of this life for the joys of a glorious eternity, on the 13th day of June, in
the year of our Lord MDCCXLII., of her age 38."


`Here also lie the bodies of Mary and Susannah, daughters of the
above-mentioned John and Isabel. The one departed this life on the 5th
day of September, 1742, in the 4th year of her age; the other on the
8th of October, in the 3d year of her age, MDCCXLIII."

Doubtless there are other tombstones in the county bearing the
names of the old worthies of former days; but no information concerning


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them has been furnished me. There is, I am told, an old
graveyard, with tombstones, at the old seat of the Washingtons,
in Gloucester, on the Piankatank, from which I have been desirous
to hear, but have failed. One of the sons of the first John Washington
married a Miss Warner, of Gloucester, and settled at the
above-mentioned place. Hence sprung the combination of the
names Warner and Washington, so common in these families.