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As Simeon for his last release,—
As crowds when evening shades increase,
Till Jesus bids them go in peace:—
As thirsty lands to summer skies,
The maiden on her mistress' eyes,
As travellers for the morning's rise:—
Thus, heav'nward turn'd her listening ear,
Faith waits her Saviour's peace to hear,
In words of His own messenger.


For vapours sent on wings of even,
From pining earth to pitying Heaven,
The freshening dew to her is given.


The drop, which through the ocean strays,
Touch'd by the Sun's pure Indian rays
Becomes a pearl of living blaze.
So for our earthly sacrifice
Of prayer and praise, returneth thrice
The blessing of celestial price:—


More than the dying patriarch knew,
Who o'er his sons his mantle threw,—
Words which Christ's dying gift renew.
Not such the spreading incense cloud;
Not such the music thrilling loud;
Nor Aaron's voice o'er silent crowd.
Shield of the Spirit, saving spell,
Faith's amulet invisible,
Ever about us come and dwell.