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The XC Psalm, translated from the Original.


The XC Psalm, translated from the Original.


Being a Composure of Moses on the sufferings of the Israelites in the Wilderness, in consequence of the Sentence pronounced upon them at Kadesh Barnea: mentioned Numb. xiv. 23, 29, 32, 34.

By the Same.

Verse I.

Monarch of Heav'n, and Earth, and Sea,
Patron of Israel's Progeny;
In every Clime from Age to Age
Our Line survives all hostile Rage,
With thy Divinity immur'd,
As in a Dome of Rock secur'd.


Verse II.

Ancient of Days! ere this wide Earth
With all her Hills disclos'd, to birth
Arose; ere yon bright Lamps on high
Were kindled thro' the boundless Sky;
Thou hadst a Life Eternal pass'd,
That with Eternity shall last.

Verse III.

But what is Man? thy sov'reign Doom
Soon hurls the Mortal to a Tomb:
“Return to dust,” thy voice commands,
Death hears, and sweeps off half the Lands.

Verse IV.

While so immense, thy Life appears,
That, ev'n a thousand rolling Years,
Diminish, in thy vast Survey,
To an elaps'd, forgotten Day:


Whole Ages vanish in thy sight
Like the short Portion of a Night.

Verse V.

How oft (amazing to behold!)
Destruction has her Torrents roll'd!
Born headlong down the violent Stream,
The Mighty perish, like a Dream!
Sad Devastation! swift and wide!
Thus blooms at Morn, the Meadows Pride,

Verse VI.

At Morn, in lusty Verdure gay,
At Eve, the Sickle's hapless Prey
A wide-extended Ruin lies
On the bare Waste, and with'ring dies.

Verse VII.

O'er-whelm'd with Terror and Amaze,
We see thy Wrath, around us, blaze.


Consum'd by thine avenging Ire
With copious Death our Hosts expire.

Verse VIII.

Thy Face, by its own Beams, descries
All our conceal'd Iniquities.
Stern Justice every Crime arraigns,
And lays on each its Load of Pains.

Verse IX.

All our sad Days, thy Frowns we mourn,
Sickly, and weak, with Sorrow worn;
And mounting to our Noon a-pace,
And quickly finishing the Race,
The Measure of our Years is run,
Spent like a Tale.

Verse X.

The deathless Sun
Scarce seventy Springs renews his round,
Ere we lie mould'ring in the Ground:


Or should the vig'rous and the strong
Ten Winters more drag Life along,
'Tis a Reprieve, devoid of Rest,
Harrass'd with Toils, with Fears opprest,
And in our Strength cut off at last,
We vanish: thus a sudden Blast,
When fatal Shears the Fleece divide,
Whirls out of sight the falling Pride.

Verse XI.

Dread Sov'reign when thy Vengeance glows,
Who its full Force and Fury knows?
Great as our Fears, and unconfin'd
As thy own vast Almighty Mind.

Verse XII.

Make us, O make us, Father, wise
To mark the Moment, as it flies,


Keep the small Sum of Life in view
And, whither Wisdom leads, pursue.

Verse XIII.

Return, offended Pow'r, we pray,
How long ------? O torturing Delay!
Pity the Pains thy Servants feel,
At length the stern Decree repeal.
Bid the auspicious Morning smile,
That finishes our Years of Toil.

Verse XIV.

Let Mercy then prepare a Feast,
And let our Nation be the Guest:
Till in full Tides our Joys arise,
Our Acclamations rend the Skies;

Verse XV.

Till in full Tides our Joy o'erflows,
Lasting and great, as now, our Woes.


Verse XVI.

Before our steps, thy Pow'r display,
With Wonders mark the shining Way:
O let thy Patronage Divine
Diffuse a Glory round our Line,

Verse XVII.

Thy Patronage Divine proclaim,
Thro' ev'ry Land our honour'd Name.
Secure of thy Almighty Aid,
On that Eternal Basis laid,
May all our Plans of Conquest stand,
And all the Labours of our Hand.