The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
Thu heuenly queen, of grace our loodsterre!With thy chast mylk plentevous of plesaunce
Gaff Iesu soukyn, puttist awey the werre
Of pestilence, tappeesen our grevaunce;
Our welle of mercy, our ioye, our suffisaunce,
Flour of virgynes, mooder of moost prys,
Racedist vp al surfetis of myschaunce,
That our forn-ffadir plantyd in paradys.
Thu same sterre, of sterrys noon so briht,Celestial sterre of beute moost sovereyne,
To the we pray, on vs cast doun thy siht,
Oonly of mercy that thu nat disdeyne,
That be thy gracious moost holsom influence
We haue no cause on hasty deth to pleyne,
Which sleeth the peeple by swerd of pestilence.
Our trust is fully, and our confidence,Vndespeyred in our oppynyoun,
Ageyn al wedrys of corrupt pestilence,
By thy Request and mediacioun,
And by thy Sonys gloryous passioun,
And remembraunce of thy Ioyes alle,
Geyn froward heyres causyng infeccioun
Diffende vs lady whan we to the calle.
For as Phebus enchaceth mystis blake,Toward mydmorwe with his beemys cleer,
And Lucifer biddith sloggy folk awake,
In thorient first, whan he dooth appeer,
Riht so maistow in thy celestial speer,
O sterre of sterrys, sterre of moost excellence,
Mayde and moodir, by meene of thy prayeer,
Sauf alle thy servauntis from strook of pestilence.
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||