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Pleasant dialogues and dramma's

selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. ... By Tho. Heywood

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Let all such know: a Rundlet ne're so small
Is call'd a vessell: being a Tunne; that's all.
Hee's tearm'd a man, that showes a dwarfish thing,
No more's the Guard, or Porter to the King.
So Pictures in small compasse I have seene
Drawne to the life, as neare, as those have beene
Ten times their bignesse: Christenmas loaves are bread,
So's your least Manchet: have you never read
Large folio Sheets which Printers over-looke,
And cast in small, to make a pocket booke?
So Richard is transform'd: if this disguise
Show me so small a letter for your eyes,


You cannot in this letter read me plaine,
Hee'l next appeare, in texted hand againe.