University of Virginia Library



Girt with great garths of shadow
Dim meadows fade in grey:
No moon lightens the gloaming,
The meadows know no day:
But pale shapes shifting
From dusk to dusk, or lifting
Frail wings in flight, go drifting
Adown each flowerless way.
These phantom-dreams in shadow
Were once in wild-rose flame;
Each wore a star of glory,
Each had a loved sweet name:
Now they are nameless, knowing
Nor star nor flame, but going
Whither they know not, flowing
Waves without wind or aim.
But later through the gloaming
The Midnight-Shepherd cries:
The trooping shadows follow
Making a wind of sighs:


The fold is hollow and black;
No pathway thence, no track;
No dream ever comes back
Beneath those silent skies.