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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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Me thought I saw upon Matildas Tombe,
Her wofull ghost, which Fame did now awake,
And crav'd her passage from Earths hollow wombe,
To view this Legend, written for her sake;
No sooner shee her sacred Name had seene,
Whom her kind friend had chose to grace her story,
But wiping her chast teares from her sad eyen,
Shee seem'd to tryumph, in her double glory.
Glory shee might, that his admired Muse,
Had with such method fram'd her just complaint:
But proude shee was, that reason made him chuse,
To patronize the same to such a Saint:
In whom her rarest vertues might be showne,
Though Poets skill should fayle to make them knowne.
H. G. Esquire.