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[XCVIII. It seems that even rogues like these]


[XCVIII. It seems that even rogues like these]

It seems that even rogues like these
Can find worse rogues to be their tools,—
Fellows who lie for paltry fees,
Shufflers of precedents and rules.
Men who would take a cause from hell,
And nostril-deep through foulness wade,
Serving the Devil quite as well
As God, if they were duly paid.
With any trade I quarrel not:
Corruption strikes the tree in bloom;
And some must clear away the rot,—
Mere scavengers by nature's doom.
Well, let them go! One, only one,
At this eternal bar shall stand,
Who fawned before me in the sun,
And in the darkness tore my hand.


Within thy wretched memory
I cause the spectral past to tread;
Each step is marked by grace to thee,
Accorded by the kindly dead.
Was it for thee, of all men born,
To turn, before the grass had sprung
Upon his grave, and blend thy scorn
In chorus with each lying tongue?
Is this a benefactor's due?
Does scorn become a thing like thee,
Bred 'twixt the pot-house and the stew,
To each its worst deformity?
I marvel at thy ingrate heart,
Thy falsehood and thy purblind sense;
But palsied falls my rhyming art
Before thy bare-browed impudence!