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In 1920 the Curry Memorial School of Education was organized as a
Department of the University, coordinate with the other professional Departments.
The courses in Education, however, also count as electives-at-large
and major-electives toward the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor
of Science in the College. The following is a list of the courses offered.
A detailed statement of each course will be found under the announcement of
the Curry Memorial Department of Education, on pages 197-201 of the
General Catalogue.

Education B1: History and Philosophy of Education.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Associate Professor Pott.

Education B2: Educational Psychology.Psychology B1 prerequisite.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Ferguson.

Education B3: Educational Sociology.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Smithey.

Education B5: Educational Administration and Supervision.—(B.A. or
B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Manahan.

Education B6: Planning and Equipment of School Buildings.Education
B5 or B7 prerequisite.
—Third Term. (Credit, 1 session-hour.) Professor

Education B7: Principles of Secondary Education.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Smithey.

Education B8: Hygiene and Education.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
(Omitted in 1925-26.)

Education B9: Elementary School Administration and Supervision.—
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Manahan.


Page 151

Education B10: Methods of Teaching High-School Subjects.—Hours
to be arranged.

(a): The Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Credit,
2 session-hours. Professors Kepner and Lewis.

(b): A brief course on the Teaching of English in Secondary Schools
will be offered if conditions permit.

(c): The Teaching of French in Secondary Schools: French A and B
—Hours to be arranged. Associate Professor Graham.

(d): The Teaching of Latin in Secondary Schools: Latin A1 prerequisite.
—Hours to be arranged. Professor FitzHugh.

(e): The Teaching of Spanish in Secondary Schools: Spanish A and B
—Hours to be arranged. Assistant Professor Knight.

(f): The Teaching of Health Education: Health Education B2, B3 and
Physical Education B1 prerequisite.
—Hours to be arranged.

(g): The Teaching of Physical Education.—Hours to be arranged. Associate
Professor Jones.

Education B11: Directed Teaching: Education B10 prerequisite.—Credit,
2 session-hours toward the B.S. in Education. Hours to be arranged.

Education B12: School Hygiene and Sanitation. Credit will be apportioned
on the basis of the time and work prescribed. Hours to be arranged. Assistant
Professor Reynolds.

Health Education B1: History and Principles of Health and Physical
(Credit, 3 session-hours.) Hours to be arranged. Associate
Professor Jones.

Health Education B2: Public Health and Health Education: Biology
B1, Health Education B3 and Physical Education B1 prerequisite.
(Credit, 4

Health Education B3: Medical Bacteriology for Teachers of Health
Biology B1 prerequisite. Given only during first term. (Credit, 2
session-hours.) Professor Marshall.

Physical Education B1: Anatomy and Physiology. (Credit, 3 session-hours.)
Hours to be arranged. Associate Professor Speidel.

Physical Education B2: Kinesiology. (Credit, 2 session-hours.)

Physical Education B3: Anthropometry, Corrective and Medical Gymnastics.
(Credit, 2 session-hours.)

Education C1: Advanced Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 and
one B course in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years with
Education C6. Professor Ferguson.

Education C2: Educational Surveys: State, City and County: Education
B5 and one other B course in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate
years with Education C3. Professor Manahan.


Page 152

Education C3: Standard Tests in School Subjects: Education B5 and
one other B course in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years
with Education C2. Professor Manahan.

Education C4: Problems in Secondary Education: Education B7 and
one other B course in Education, prerequisite.
—Professor Smithey.

Education C5: Social Education: Education B3 and one other B course
in Education, prerequisite.
—Hours to be arranged. To be given in alternate
years with Education C7. Professor Smithey.

Education C6: Mental Tests and Their Applications: Psychology B1
and one B course in Education, prerequisite.
—To be given in alternate years
with Education C1. Professor Ferguson.

Education D1: Seminar in Educational Psychology. Hours by appointment.
Professor Ferguson.

Education D2: Seminar in School Administration. Hours by appointment.
Professor Manahan.

Education D3: Seminar in Secondary Education. Hours by appointment.
Professor Smithey.