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Us parents mostly thinks our own's
The smartest childern out!
But Widder Shelton's little Saul
Beats all I know about!
He's weakly-like—in p'int o' health,
But strong in word and deed
And heart and head, and snap and spunk,
And allus in the lead!
Comes honest by it, fer his Pa—
Afore he passed away—
He was a leader—(Lord, I'd like
To hear him preach to-day!)
He led his flock; he led in prayer
Fer spread o' Peace—and when
Nothin' but War could spread it, he
Was first to lead us then!
So little Saul has grit to take
Things jes' as they occur;
And Sister Shelton's proud o' him
As he is proud o' her!


And when she “got up”—jes' fer him
And little playmates all—
A Chris'mus-tree—they ever'one
Was there but little Saul.
Pore little chap was sick in bed
Next room; and Doc was there,
And said the childern might file past,
But go right back to where
The tree was, in the settin'-room.
And Saul jes' laid and smiled—
Ner couldn't nod, ner wave his hand,
It hurt so—Bless the child!
And so they left him there with Doc—
And warm tear of his Ma's ...
Then—sudden-like—high over all
Their laughture and applause—
They heerd: “I don't care what you git
On yer old Chris'mus-tree,
'Cause I'm got somepin' you all hain't—
I'm got the pleurisy!”