University of Virginia Library


Sociology sB1-I. Social Problems.—Both Terms. 11:30; P. H. B. 1.
Credit, one session-hour. Mr. House.

One year of college work prerequisite.

The study of a selected list of major social problems such as poverty, crime, delinquency,
and assimilation. The attempt is made to discover the processes by which
social problems are created through the operation of natural factors and forces.
Text-book.—Queen and Mann, Social Pathology.


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Sociology sB1-II. The Human Community.—First Term. 10:30;
P. H. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. Reckless.

One year of college work prerequisite.

A study of the organization of the human community in terms of its natural areas,
and an analysis of the economic, cultural and human-nature factors which call them
into existence.

Sociology sB1-III. The Sociology of Play and Recreation.—First
Term. 12:30; P. H. B. 1. Credit, one session-hour. Mr.

One year of college work prerequisite.

A study of the theories of play, the social patterns which play assumes, and the
problems of recreation and leisure-time activity under the conditions of modern social

Sociology sB2-I. General Sociology.—First Term. 10:30; S. B. 2.
Credit, one session-hour. Mr. House.

Two years of college work prerequisite.

This course is intended as the basic course outlining the application of the scientific
method to the study of human society. Among the topics covered in the first
term will be isolation, social contact, social interaction, human nature and society,
and the sociological conception of personality. Text-book.—Park and Burgess, Introduction
to the Science of Sociology.

Sociology sB2-II. General Sociology. Second Term. 10:30; S. B.
2. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. House.

Sociology sB2-I prerequisite.

Continuation of sB2-I. Social forces, competition, conflict, accommodation, assimilation,
and collective behavior. Text-book, same as for sB2-I.

Sociology sC3-I. History of Sociology.—First Term. 8:30; S. B.
2. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. House.

Primarily for graduate students; open to fourth-year undergraduate students having
credit for six session-hours of sociology.

Sociology sC3-II. History of Sociology.—Second Term. 8:30; S.
B. 2. Credit, one session-hour. Mr. House.

Primarily for graduate students; open to fourth-year undergraduate students having
credit for six session-hours of sociology.

In the first term, the course will deal with the development of European sociology
since 1800. The second term course will deal with the history of sociology in the
United States. Either term may be taken separately. The two terms together constitute
a basic preparation for the master's degree with sociology as the major or minor