The Minor Poems of John Lydgate edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken |
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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||
A balad made by Iohn Lydgat of ye ymage of Our Lady.
Beholde and se this glorious fygure,Whiche Sent Luke of our lady lyvynge
After her lyknes made in picture,
Lo here she is affter the same wyrkynge
As in Rome is had of Saynt Lukes payntynge,
In erthe as she was and her sone also,
And ther honoryd with solempne praysynge
In churche callyd Maria de Populo.
Who devotly visitith the same fygureIn worshipe of oure moste blessyd lady free,
Of .v. cardinals, perpetuelly to endure
v C yeres of Remyssyon graunted be,
Of penaunce Ingoynyd, yf he have capacite
Pardon to receyve, contrite with confession,
With satysfacion, this is the certente,
As under sealys the bulle make mencion.
At certayn festis in the same buke, comprisyd,—Firste of our lady the Assumpcion;
Annuncion also it is ther-in devisyd;
Of sent Albon the passyon, and his invencion,
Of this churche also the dedycacion
At every feste who visytythe this fygure here.
Of penaunce Ingoyned hath Relaxacion
Of everi Cardinall grauntyd a C yere.
Nomber of ye yeres, who lyst to accompte,That be grauntyd v tymes in the yere,
To M and vC. therto they amounte,
To eche creature with devoute prayer
As boke, belle, chalis, or any other guerdoun,
Ornament or lyght in devout manere,
They be copertenars of this same pardoun,
Whiche at the coste and contemplacionOf a gentylman callyd Rauf Gelebronde,
Throughe the labour and meditacion
Of dampnum Iohn Thornton, ye shall understonde,
Archdecon here, whiche out of Englonde
Went to Rome and this pardon did purchase;
Christe blesse them both with his holy honde,
And for theyr labor, take them to his grace.
Explicit a balad of ye Image of our lady made by Iohn Lidgate.
The Minor Poems of John Lydgate | ||