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New songs of innocence

By James Logie Robertson

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Willie and I together
Frolic the livelong day;
Be't sunny or cloudy weather,
Our business is to play!
In the country the green leaves rustle,
And the blue sky clasps it all;
In the town there's noise and bustle,
And the houses close like a wall.
But in town we have the people,
And the different ways of life;
And our friend the tall church-steeple
With his weathercock of a wife.
He stands so stiff and steady;
She flutters about in the sun,
And dreams she's a bird already—
Poor painted image of one!
We smile to the patient horses,
And the dogs that scamper past,
Till we're left to our own resources
When the daylight fades at last.
Then one other comes in beside us,
And our hopes no longer roam;
With happy hearts we hide us
In our sanctuary of home!