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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Certaine Graces to be sung or said befoir or efter meit.
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Certaine Graces to be sung or said befoir or efter meit.

[All meit and drink was creat be the Lord]

All meit and drink was creat be the Lord,
Ressauit for to be with thankfulnes,
Til all faithful knawers of the trew word
To satisfie thair neid with sobernes.
All fude is gude, the quhilk God creat hes
And not to be refusit ony day
Only to God geuing the louing ay
Be prayer, and be Goddis word all meit


Unto the clene, all thingis is clene to eit,
Thairfoir we pray his godly Maiestie
To blys our meit and all our companie,
And saif vs fra exces and drunkinnes
Efter our meit to thank his gentilnes.

[Christ leirnit vs on God how we suld call]

Christ leirnit vs on God how we suld call
And bad vs pray, syne hecht to heir vs all:
Our Father God quhilk is in heuin sa bie,
Thy glorious Name with vs mot hallowit be,
Let cum to vs thy Kingdome and thy gloir
Thy will mot be fulfillit euermoir.
In eird, as it is in heuin but variance,
Giue vs this day our daylie sustenance
Forgiue our dettis for Christis paine and smart,
As we forgiue our detteris with our hart
And leid vs not into temptatioun,
Bot for Christ Iesus bitter passioun
Delyuer vs from euillis Spirituall
And corporall, now and perpetuall.
Saif vs gude Lord for thy promeis deuyne,
For Kingdome, power, gloir and all is thyne.

[We thank our God baith kynde and liberall]

We thank our God baith kynde and liberall
His grace and mercy dois euer Indure,
He geuis sustentatioun to vs all.
To man and beist, and euerie creature,
And he allone, dois feid baith riche and pure.
Thairfoir to God be gloir allanerlie,
Throw Iesus Christ, we thank him hartfullie.

[All Creature on the Lord dependis]

All Creature on the Lord dependis,
Thair sustenance for to ressaue of the.


Thair meit & drink in tyme to them thow sendis
Thow oppinnis furth thy hand full graciously
And satisfyis all flesche aboundantly,
Blys vs gude Lord into thir giftis gude,
Quhilk thow hes geuin to be our daylie fude.

[To our gude God, of warldis Lord and King]

To our gude God, of warldis Lord and King,
Full of mercy only trew and wyse,
Be louing, honour, gloir, without ending
Kingdome, Impyre, hiest renoun and pryse,
With mynde and mouth, giue we ane thousand syse,
All gloir to him, quhilk alone worthie is,
Asking for Christ to bring vs to his blis.

[We thank the God of thy gudnes]

We thank the God of thy gudnes,
Throw Iesus Christ our gracious Lord
For thy greit mercy and gentilnes
Quhilk teidis vs with thy sweit word,
Sen all that euer tuke lyfe of the
Thow satisfyis aboundantlie,
We praise the all with ane accord.
As thow hes fed this sinfull flesche,
Quhilk sone sall die, and turne in asse:
Siclyke the sillie saull refresche
The quhilk Immortall creat was.
God for thy grace and mercy greit
Grant vs ane steidfast faith perfite,
And in thy gloir with the to pas.
To God on heich be louing maist,
Quhilk lowsis sin allanerlie
Till all that will repent and traist


On Iesus Christ his Sone onlie,
Thow makis them thy Sone and air
Throw him thow will them saif from cair,
To quhome be gloir Eternallie.