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The Mirrour of Mutabilitie

or Principall part of the Mirrour for Magistrates. Describing the fall of diuers famous Princes, and other memorable Personages. Selected out of the sacred Scriptures by Antony Munday, and dedicated to the Right Honorable the Earle of Oxenford

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Cladius Hollyband, in the Commendation of his Schollers exersise:
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Cladius Hollyband, in the Commendation of his Schollers exersise:

his Verses thus Englished.

If thou wilt flye from diuers Uices vayne,
And in this world abide in quiet stay:
And with thine eyes perceiue a Mirrour plain:
Of things conuenient for thy self eche day.
Peruse this woork, where thou no dout shalt finde:
A rule to keep thy state in stedfast kinde.
For like a Torche it cleerely giueth light,
Unto Dame Uertues famous Mansion place:
Without acquaintaunce with the wicked wight,
Which by no meanes such honor can purchase.
This is the guyde of manners prooued playne:
To teach thee flye the feare of farder payne.
Dum spiro spero.