The Cavalier daily. Thursday, November 21, 1968 | ||
History Professor Talks
On Diplomacy Of Wilson
Arthur S. Link, Professor of
History and Director of the Woodrow
Wilson Papers at Princeton
University, will speak here Friday
in conjunction with the Visiting
Scholars Program at the University.
His subject will be "Woodrow
Wilson: the Diplomatist in Retrospect."
Mr. Link, a native Virginian and
distinguished historian, is best
known for his biography of President
Wilson, of which six volumes
have been published.
The lecture will be in the
Newcomb Hall Ballroom at 8 p.m.
and the public is cordially invited.
It will be followed by a Jefferson
Society debate on co-education in
which any student, faculty
member, or administration officer
will be allowed to air his views.
This debate is a response to the
growing interest in co-education in
recent months. It is hoped that the
opinions expressed will help President
Shannon's newly appointed
committee of students and faculty
members to seek opinion on the
matter of co-education. The debate
will begin at 9 p.m. at Jefferson
Hall, West Range, following Mr.
Link's address.
The Cavalier daily. Thursday, November 21, 1968 | ||