University of Virginia Library


Greek Orthodox Church Bazaar,
Monday Nov. 25, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Delicious Greek food, lunch and
dinner served. Greek pastries,
Christmas items. Ceramics, white
elephant, 100 Perry Drive.

Senior won second semester
honeymoon to Miami. Need mate,
box 112 McKim Hall for interviews.

Call Virginia Glass Co. 296-7194
for fast service on expert glass
replacements. Use our mobile glass
shop. 1150 River Rd.

Zorba's for good food, more
than 50 Grecian and Italian specialties.
Many less than $1. McIntire
Plaza opposite City Tennis Courts.
296-8689. Daily until 10 p.m.
Closed Sundays.

Think about spring.

Will fly students home for
Thanksgiving vacation. Cheap. Call