University of Virginia Library

These of the past did not speak incorrectly.

'Áíní doołi'haodzída.
'It'ah 'itédandzíínégo, dá'ágháhndá.
K'adi dá'ághát'éndah, dá'ághát'égo 'ánahíͅlaaná'a, Yóósń.
'Áíí dooyáadaahit'íͅdago 'ánahíͅlaaná'a.
'Áíí 'it'ah dá'ághánt'égo hoͅoͅka.
These of the past did not speak incorrectly.
Still poverty-stricken, we live just so.
But then, God has created us that way.
He created us without anything.
We still go on in that way.
(9.5) Linguistic Notes

1. 'áíní 'those of the past'. 'áí 'those'; -n past tense enclitic; -í relative.

2. doołi'haodzída 'they did not speak incorrectly'. Negative of the 3rd person perf. of ha-|...[hi- perf.]-dzii 'to speak' [act. intr.]. łi'- 'incorrectly' [?].