University of Virginia Library

[Lizard] ran with [Killer of Enemies] again.

Yaakéhiͅiͅ'áí bitł'áshíͅgo dahch'ineesghalná'a.
T'áͅyá náchóͅóͅt'iná'a.
[Lizard] ran with [Killer of Enemies] again.
They barked again.
[Owl] rushed out again.
[Killer of Enemies and Lizard] threw themselves down underneath the ladder[4].
[Owl] went back inside again.
(8.73) Linguistic Notes

yaakéhiͅiͅ'áí 'ladder' [no analysis]. Cf. yaakédahiͅiͅ'áí 'ladder' in line 1 of passage 74.

Ethnological Note 4
That is, the ladder which led to the doorway of Owl's house.