University of Virginia Library

The Eagle's home was on a Red Mountain Peak.

'Itsátsoí Tsét'ágołchíyá bighaͅná'a.
Bizháańne 'ákaiłch'iisjéná'a.
Gołgajiͅ baach'éch'íńyáná'a.
'Ákoo, dágoͅoͅłtsáͅee, góńgoná'a.
Tsét'ágołchíyá nágóńłtíͅná'a.
Bizháańne yaanágóńłtíͅná'a.
The Eagle's home was on a Red Mountain Peak.
His children lived there with him.
[Killer of Enemies] went out into the plain.
Then, as soon as [Eagle] saw him, he swooped down on him.
He seized him.
He flew up with him.
He carried him back to the red mountain peak.
He had carried him back to his children.
(8.50) Linguistic Notes

1. tsét'ágołchíyá 'on a red mountain peak'. tsé 'rock'; - t'á 'top'; gołchí 'place is red'.

2. gojishná'a 'he seized him'. No analysis.