University of Virginia Library

The Buffalo bellowed.

'Iyánéłizhiní 'oóchaná'a.
Bideeí yeegodeedzíͅíͅdzná'a.
'Áshíͅda náánáyaahéyá bidee yeenáágodeedzíͅíͅdzná'a.
'Áshíͅda náánáyaahéyá bidee yeenáágodeedzíͅíͅdzná'a.
'Ákoo bidee yeenáágodeedzíͅíͅdzná'a, 'ich'inóͅóͅgoníyá.
Dágé bideeí keenahéńghałgo, naanóͅóͅkaaná'a.
Doo'ághánndeńgólaada 'áí bíká 'ách'ił'iͅiͅná'a.
The Buffalo bellowed.
He tore up [the topmost tunnel] with his horns.
And then he also tore up the one below it with his horns.
And then he also tore up the next one below it with his horns.
Then he also began to tear up with his horns the one into which [Killer of Enemies] had run.
Just as he reached him with his horns, he fell over.
[Killer of Enemies] had killed him.
He had done so because he did not permit people to live.
(8.45) Linguistic Notes

keenahéńghałgo 'as he had reached him with them'. I cannot analyze this verb.