University of Virginia Library

Then a pine tree was [Giant's] arrow.

'Ákoo béńch'iyé bik'aaná'a.
Béńch'iyéí bik'aaí beegonłt'óná'a.
Naaghéé'neesghánéń chíńłt'óná'a.
K'aa naa'indiiná'a.
Then a pine tree was [Giant's] arrow.
He was about to shoot at him with the pine tree arrow.
He shot at Killer of Enemies.
He blew at it.
The arrow was shattered.
(8.24) Linguistic Notes

1. yíńyolná'a 'he blew at it'. 3rd person, perf. with 3rd person object of ni-...[ni- perf.]-yooł 'to blow at' [act. tr.]. Cf. baanáách'íńyolná'a 'he blew at it again' [passage 26]. Here the 3a person perf. of the above verb is preceded by baa- 'to it, at it' and the prefix náá- 'again'. Finally, in passage 28, is found nááyíńyolná'a 'he blew at it again'.

2. naa'indiiná'a 'it was shattered'. 3rd person imp. of naa-'i-...[si- perf.]- ndii 'several fly about' [act. intr.]. I am not certain of this analysis.