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Then Coyote:

'Ákoo Shóͅóͅdé:

K'aaí yajishgo, ch'édátinyá ch'éńyáná'a.
'Áshíͅ'a 'ákaa naanóozhaná'a.
Gólijenłchiníshíͅ hanshcha'yeyił hansht'a'yeídó 'áshíͅ dahiigoheídó łáͅgo 'izisí yeenáyíńłtáͅná'a.
Then Coyote:
"I am going hunting."
he said.

Taking his arrows, he went out of doors.
And then he went about there hunting.
He brought back a bag full of many beetles, grasshoppers, butterflied, and moths.
He put them away for [Turtle].
(4.47) Linguistic Notes

1. ch'édátinyá 'out of doors'; ch'é- 'out' [see note 4.19].

2. gólijenłchiní 'beetles' [see note 4.9].

hanshcha'ye 'grasshoppers' [no analysis but cf. the theme -chá 'to hop', cont. imp. and perf. stems -cha].

hansht'á'ye 'butterflies' [no analysis but cf. the above and the theme -t'á 'to fly'].

dahiigohe 'moths' [no analysis].