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His wife quickly went about preparing food for him.

Bi'isdzáńń dáhátide dáń báyaanaagháná'a.
Dáhaͅhéná díík'eh bádáͅíͅlaaná'a.
"K'adi 'íͅndáͅ."
biiłndiná'a, bi'isdzáńń.

His wife quickly went about preparing food for him.
Soon she had prepared all the food for him.
"Now eat."
his wife said to him.

(4.2) Linguistic Notes

báyaanaagháná'a 'she went about preparing it for him'. - 'for him'; yaa- 'to it'; naaghá, 3rd person imp. of naa-|...[si- perf.]- 'one person goes about' [act. intr.]. See note 3:53, §2.