University of Virginia Library

Then, rolling a cigarette, he sat down facing him.

'Ákoo, nát'ohí yiidisgo, goch'iͅiͅneesdá.
'Áshíͅ nágo koͅoͅí baach'íń'iͅiͅ.
Nágo ná'ch'iłt'oh.
Nágo ch'iishké.
Then, rolling a cigarette, he sat down facing him.
And then he gave [Coyote] a light.
Then he [also] smoked.
And the two sat there.
(1.13) Linguistic Notes

1. nát'ohí yiidisgo 'rolling a cigarette'. nát'oh 'tobacco followed by yiidis 'he rolls it' means 'cigarette'.

2. koͅoͅí baach'íń'iͅiͅ 'he gave him a light'. koͅoͅ- 'fire'. Note again that the theme -'iͅiͅ is used of a known object [see note 1.4, §2]. In Chir., the theme -ł-t'aa 'to handle fire' [act. tr.] would be used.