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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5430. MONOPOLY, Farmers General.—[further continued] .

The only question agitated
[at the next meeting of the committee] was how best to relieve the trade under its
double monopoly. The committee found
themselves supported by the presence and
sentiments of the Count de Vergennes. They,
therefore, resolved that the contract with Mr.
Morris, if executed on his part, ought not to
be annulled here, but that no similar one
should ever be made hereafter; that, so long
as it continued, the Farmers should be
obliged to purchase from twelve to fifteen
thousand hhds. of tobacco a year, over and
above what they should receive from Mr.
Morris, from such merchants as should bring
it in French or American vessels, on the same
conditions contracted with Mr. Morris; providing,
however, that where the cargo shall
not be assorted, the prices shall be $38, $36
and $34 for the 1st, 2d and 3d qualities of
whichsoever the cargo may consist. In case of
dispute about the quality, specimens are to be
sent to the council, who will appoint persons
to examine and decide on it. This is indeed
the least bad of all the palliatives which have
been proposed; but it contains the seeds of
perpetual trouble. It is easy to foresee that
the Farmers will multiply the difficulties and
vexations on those who shall propose to sell
to them by force, and that these will be
making perpetual complaints, so that both
parties will be kept on the fret. If, without
fatiguing the friendly dispositions of the
ministry, this should give them just so much
trouble as may induce them to look to the
demolition of the monopoly as a desirable
point of rest, it may produce permanent as
well as temporary good.—
To John Jay. Ford ed., iv, 235.
(P. 1786)