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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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4090. JAY TREATY, Ratification.—

The campaign in Congress has closed. Though
the Anglomen, [254] have in the end got their
treaty through, and so have triumphed over
the cause of republicanism, yet it has been
to them a dear bought victory. It has given


Page 438
the most radical shock to their party which
it has ever received; and there is no doubt,
they would be glad to be replaced on the
ground they possessed the instant before Jay's
nomination extraordinary. They see that
nothing can support them but the Colossus of
the President's merits with the people, and the
moment he retires, that his successor, if a
monocrat, will be overborne by the republican
sense of his constituents; if a republican,
he will, of course, give fair play to that
sense, and lead things into the channel of
harmony between the governors and the governed.
In the meantime, patience.—
To James Monroe. Washington ed. iv, 148.
(July. 1796)


William Cobbett, who was then in the United
States, was one of the newspaper and pamphlettering
advocates of the ratification of the Jay treaty,
and against Jefferson and his followers. Cobbett,
after his return to England, writing to William Pitt,
in 1804, said with respect to the Jay treaty: “The importance
of that victory to England it would, perhaps,
be difficult to render intelligible to the mind of
Lord Melville, without the aid of a comparison; and,
therefore, it may be necessary to observe, that it was
infinitely more important than all his victories in the
West Indies put together, which latter victories cost
England thirty thousand men, and fifty millions of
money.” Mr. Windham, in the House of Commons,
referring to this service of Cobbett, said that Cobbett
had “rendered in America such service to his
country as entitled him to a statue of gold”.—Editor.