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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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2024. DEBT (French), Payments discontinued.—

We are informed by the public papers
that the late constitution of France, formally
notified to us, is suspended, and a new
convention called. During the time of this suspension,
and while no legitimate government
exists, we apprehend we cannot continue the
payments of our debt to France, because there is
no person authorized to receive it, and to give
us an unobjectionable acquittal. You are, therefore,
desired to consider the payment as suspended,
until further orders. Should circumstances
oblige you to mention this (which it
is better to avoid if you can), do it with such
solid reasons as will occur to yourself, and accompany
it with the most friendly declarations
that the suspension does not proceed from any
wish in us to delay the payment, the contrary
being our wish, nor from any desire to embarrass
or oppose the settlement of their government
in that way in which their nation shall
desire it; but from our anxiety to pay this debt
justly and honorably, and to the persons really
authorized by the nation (to whom we owe it)
to receive it for their use. Nor shall this suspension
be continued one moment after we can
see our way clear out of the difficulty into which
their situation has thrown us.—
To Gouverneur Morris. Washington ed. iii, 476. Ford ed., vi, 121.
(Pa., Oct. 1792)