1641. CONSTITUTION (The Federal) Action by the States. mdash; [continued].
At first, I wished that
when nine States should have accepted the
Constitution, so as to ensure us what is good
in it, the other four might hold off till the
want of the bill of rights, at least, might be
supplied. But I am now convinced that the
plan of Massachusetts is the better, that is,
to accept, and to amend afterwards. If the
States which were to decide after her, should
all do the same, it is impossible but they must
obtain the essential amendments. It will
be more difficult if we lose this instrument,
to recover what is good in it, than to correct
what is bad, after we shall have adopted it.
It has, therefore, my hearty prayers.—
To William Carmichael. Washington ed. ii, 399.
Ford ed., v, 25.
May. 1788)