1353. COLONIES (The American), Parliamentary encroachments.—[continued].
What powers the Parliament
might rightfully exercise over us,
and whether any, had never been declared
either by them or us. They had very early
taken the gigantic step of passing the Navigation
Act. The Colonies remonstrated violently
against it, and one of them. Virginia,
when she capitulated to the Commonwealth
of England, expressly stipulated for a free
trade. This capitulation, however, was as
little regarded as the original right, restored
by it, had been. The Navigation Act was
reenacted by Charles II., and was enforced.
And we had been so long in the habit of seeing
them consider us merely as objects for
the extension of their
commerce, and of submitting
to every duty or regulation imposed
with that view, that we had ceased to complain
of them.—
Notes on M. Soulés's Book. Washington ed. ix, 294.
Ford ed., iv, 302.