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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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1354. COLONIES (The American), Political relations of.—
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1354. COLONIES (The American), Political relations of.—

The settlement of the
Colonies was not made by public authority,
or at the public expense of England; but by
the exertions, and at the expense of individuals.
Hence it happened that their constitutions
were not formed systematically, but according
to the circumstances which happened
to exist in each. Hence, too, the principles
of the political connection between the old
and new countries were never settled. That
it would have been advantageous to have settled
them, is certain; and, particularly to have
provided a body which should decide, in the
last resort, all cases wherein both parties
were interested. But it is not certain that
that right would have been given, or ought
to have been given to the Parliament; much
less, that it resulted to the Parliament, without
having been given to it expressly. Why
was it necessary that there should have been
a body to decide in the last resort? Because
it would have been for the good of both
parties. But this reason shows it ought not
to have been the Parliament, because that
would have exercised it for the good of one
party only.—
To M. de Meunier. Washington ed. ix, 255. Ford ed., iv, 160.
(P. 1786)