99. ADAMS (Samuel), Patriarch of Liberty.—
I addressed a letter to you, my very dear and ancient friend, on the 4th of
March; not indeed to you by name, but
through the medium of some of my fellow
citizens, whom occasion called on me to address.
In meditating the matter of that address,
I often asked myself, is this exactly in
the spirit of the patriarch of liberty, Samuel
Adams? Is it as he would express it? Will
he approve of it? I have felt a great deal
for our country in the times we have seen.
But, individually, for no one so much as
yourself. When I have been told that you
were avoided, insulted, frowned on, I could
not but ejaculate, “Father, forgive them, for
they know what they do.” I confess I felt
an indignation for you, which for myself I
have been able, under every trial, to keep entirely
passive. * * * How much I lament
that time has deprived me of your aid. It
would have been a day of glory which should
have called you to the first office of the Administration.
But give us your counsel and
give us your blessing, and be assured that
there exists not in the heart of man a more
faithful esteem than mine to you.—
To Samuel Adams. Washington ed. iv, 389.
Ford ed., viii, 38