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五言律詩 劉禹錫 蜀先主廟
天地英雄氣, 千秋尚凜然。
勢分三足鼎, 業復五銖錢。
得相能開國, 生兒不象賢。
淒涼蜀故妓, 來舞魏宮前。
勢分三足鼎, 業復五銖錢。
得相能開國, 生兒不象賢。
淒涼蜀故妓, 來舞魏宮前。
Liu Yuxi
Even in this world the spirit of a hero
Lives and reigns for thousands of years.
You were the firmest of the pot's three legs;
It was you who maintained the honour of the currency;
You chose a great premier to magnify your kingdom....
And yet you had a son so little like his father
That girls of your country were taken captive
To dance in the palace of the King of Wei.
Lives and reigns for thousands of years.
You were the firmest of the pot's three legs;
It was you who maintained the honour of the currency;
You chose a great premier to magnify your kingdom....
And yet you had a son so little like his father
That girls of your country were taken captive
To dance in the palace of the King of Wei.
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