University of Virginia Library

Then, on the shore of the ocean, there were some Frog soldiers.

'Ákoo tóhíga'í tábaͅaͅyá, Chíͅ'nshtłodé siláádo sijaaná'a.
'Ákaa kéjaaí gostsahí yé'ijiłkiná'a.
Then, on the shore of the ocean, there were some Frog soldiers.
There the dogs asked about the ring.
(38.31) Linguistic Notes

1. tábaͅaͅyá 'on the shore'. - compounded form of 'water'; -baͅaͅ, 'edge, border'.

2. chíͅ'nshtłodé 'frog' [no analysis]. Also chíͅ'ishtłodé, see passage 33 of the story.