University of Virginia Library

Then that boy went to the rich white man.

'Ákoo 'áń 'icheeshkéń 'indaazhíígoń yańyáná'a.
'Ákoo 'áyiiłndíná'a:
"'Iyáada nłnzhóͅí naaha'oot'iͅiͅná'a? 'Áíí naanánsh'iͅiͅ. Gostsah naada'si'áͅí shań'aa."
'icheeshkéń ndiná'a.

Then that boy went to the rich white man.
And he spoke thus to him:
"What that you value has been taken away from you? I will bring that back to you. Give me the ring that you are wearing."
the boy said.

(38.10) Linguistic Notes

gostsah naada'si'áͅí 'the ring that you are wearing'. gostsah 'ring'. naa- 'to you'; da'- 'on'; si'áͅí 'a round object lies' [3rd person si- perf. neat. intr.]; -í relative.