University of Virginia Library

Long ago, near the time when the earth had been made,

'Iłk'idáͅ, ndi'ágojílaaí 'áháánédáͅ, sáͅná'ań bichóná'ań
'icheeshkéná'ań dá'áko yiłnaa'aashná'a.
'Ákoo kiͅsijaaná'a.
'Áee yiłń'áázhná'a.
Long ago, near the time when the earth had been made,
An old woman traveled about alone with her daughter's child, a boy.
And the two of them came to a town.
They were very poor.
(38.1) Linguistic Notes

1. The first line of this passage is literally as follows; "Long ago / the earth which has been made / near that time / an old woman, it is said / her daughter's child, it is said / a boy, it is said / just so / she was going about with him, it is said."

2. kiͅsijaaná'a 'a town'. kiͅ, 'houses'; sijaa 'a mass or clump lies' [3rd person si- perf. neut. intr.]. Note, in the first line of passage 2, that kiní, the relative form of kiͅ is used alone to mean 'town'.

3. 'itéjisiinéná'a. 'they were very poor'. 3a person of 'ité- ...-ł-ziiné 'to be poverty-stricken' [imp. neut. intr.]. No further analysis.