University of Virginia Library



Stūpa] Sanskrit; Jap. sotoba


In the disputation. . . holy images.] See p. 32.


Shii no Shōsh̄] Now generally called Kayoi Komachi


on shallow hills] The Kōyasan is not so remote as most mountain temples.


Like a root-cut reed. . .] See p. 113.


Who are those rowing in the boats?] Seami, writing c. 1430, says: "Komachi was once a long play. After the words 'Who are those,' etc., there used to be a long lyric passage" (Works, p. 240).


there are flowers at my heart] "Heart flowers," kokoro no hana, is a synonym for "poetry."


the Diamond Lord] Vajrasattva, himself an emanation of Vairochana, the principal Buddha of the Shingon Sect.


"He that has looked. . . Three Paths of Evil."] From the Nirvāna Sūtra.


"One thought can sow salvation in the heart."] From the Avatamsaka Sūtra.


an act of discord] Lit. "discordant karma."


Daiba] A wicked disciple who in the end attained to Illumination. Also called Datta; cp. Kumasaka, p. 63.


Kwannon] The Goddess of Mercy.


Handoku] A disciple so witless that he could not recite a single verse of Scripture.


Monju] God of Wisdom.


. . . Is Salvation] From the Nirvāna Sūtra.


"Were I in Heaven. . . What harm is done?"] The riddle depends on a pun between sotoba and soto wa, "without "outside."


Tattered cloak. . .] The words which follow suggest the plight of her lover Shōshō when he travelled to her house "a hundred nights all but one," to cut his notch on the bench.


Let me go to Komachi.] The spirit of her lover Shōshō has now entirely possessed her: this "possession-scene" lasts very much longer on the stage than the brief words would suggest.


of the Deep Grass] Fukagusa the name of his native place, means "deep grass."


Piling high the sands] See Hokkekyō, II. 18.


gold] The colour of the saints in heaven.


my flower] Her "heart-flower." i. e. poetic talent.