University of Virginia Library


Salem Villidge fefbrewary the: 23 : 1703 / 4

The Inhabitants of this Villidge are required in her majesties name to meete at there usuall place of meeting one tusday com seven night it being The 7th day of march next at ten of the Clock in ye fornoone to chuse a Comitty for ye year Insuing and to give them instrustions also to Chuse a man to ceepe our booke of records also to call those men to account that weare Improued to sell our old meeting hous and also to doe what may be further Needfull to dispose of what is Lefte of it: also to heare the petition of deacon Ingorsoll for a pue for his wife: also to answer the [petition of] daniel rea to in large his Pue [and the] petiction of severall men in bulding of a seate in our meeting hous in the gallory to have the petiction removed and bringind that seat all into one
by ordor of the Comitty
John Putnam


at a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Villidge the: 7 march 1703/4

the were Chosen for a Comittie Capt Thomas Flint Eliazer putnam. James prince Samull portor: Joseph hucheson juner : 1 Voted thata we mak choice of Capt flint to keep our booke of Records for the yeare Insuing and to take care to entor what was done the yeare past

2ly That the Instrucktions for the yeare Insuing is that the make a Rate of 70 pounds for our ministor for the yeare insuing and ade one pound to it as part of ye twelve pounds he is to have for Reparing our ministry house acording to ye best of ther judgment 3ly Voted that we grant liborty to deacon Ingorsoll to buld a pue in the meeting hous for his wife The place for his pue is at the ends of the mens hindor seats against part of Mr huchesons pue: & mr Joseph Hericks pue : 2 : seats to be cut of foure foot & 8 inches long from the: 2 : fore saide pues : and that the top of his upermost ballostors to be no hier then botom of ye second raile of the other pues : and the flore of it to be Raised but: 6: inches hier then the flore of the meeting hous

4ly That the petiction of John putnam tersus and henry brown John flint Joshuah Rea and John Rea is granted


The Ministors Rate for The year: 1703:

Daniell Andrew 01 17 00 
william Alean 00 10 00 
John buxton Senor 01 06 00 
Samuel brabrook 00 08 00 
Thomas bayly 00 05 06 
william buckly 00 06 06 
Edward bishop 00 12 00 
Samuell bishop 00 06 06 
henry browne 00 16 06 
John bayly 00 04 00 
Ezekell Cheves 00 15 06 
Joseph Carell 00 06 00 
John darling 00 08 00 
Thomas darling 00 06 00 
John deale 00 06 00 
Capt Thomas flint 02 00 00 
Thomas fullor ser 00 12 00 
Thomas fullor junr 00 13 00 
Jacob fullor 00 18 00 
benjamin fullor 00 09 06 
Joseph fullor 00 04 00 
Jonathan fullor 00 07 06 
John fullor 00 09 00 
John flint 00 19 00 
Samuell flint 00 04 00 
zakariah goodall senr 01 00 00 
Abraham goodall 00 06 00 
Joseph goodall 00 06 06 
Isack goodall 00 13 00 
zakariah goodall junr 00 11 00 
John giles 00 07 00 
Joseph hucheson Senr 01 07 00 
Samuell goodall 00 11 00 
Joseph hucheson junr 00 13 00 
Joseph houlton juer 00 16 00 
John houlton 00 11 00 
henry houlton 00 14 00 
John hadlock 00 07 00 
Joseph herick 01 10 00 
John hucheson 00 13 00 
benjamin hucheson 00 14 00 
widow houlton 00 05 06 
nickalis howard 00 09 00 
deacon Ingosoll 00 16 00 
henry keny Sener 00 06 00 
henry Keny juner 00 06 00 
Samuell Lane 00 06 00 
John martine 00 07 00 
Samuell nurs 01 06 00 
Isack needham 00 06 00 
Alexander osborne 01 00 00 
__ __ __ 
31 16 06 
Benjamin putnam 03 00 00 
Capt John putnam 01 00 00 
Thomas putnam 00 05 00 
Joseph putnam 02 00 00 
Eliazer putnam 00 15 00 
lef Jonathan putnam 01 12 00 
John putnam torsus 01 03 00 
James putnam 01 05 00 
waltor philips 00 07 00 
widow prestan & son John 00 16 06 
Samuell portor 00 09 00 
Edward putnam 01 12 00 
Joseph portor 02 00 00 
Israell portor 00 14 00 
Joseph pope 01 15 00 
James prince 00 19 00 
John putnam Junr 01 06 00 
Joseph prince 00 11 00 
Capt Thomas Ramond 00 15 00 
daniell Rea 01 14 00 
Samuell Rea 00 05 00 
widow swinorton 00 17 00 
Jaspor swinorton 00 14 00 
Joseph swinorton 00 09 00 
benjamine Swinorton 00 05 00 
abraham Smith 00 11 00 
william small 00 12 00 
John tarball 01 06 00 
william upton 00 09 06 
Samuell upton 00 09 06 
widow walcot 00 12 00 
John walcot 00 11 00 
Joseph wheple 00 10 00 
bejmine wilkins 01 00 00 
Thomas wilkins 01 00 00 
henry wilkins 00 12 00 
John wilkins 00 11 00 
samuell wilkins 00 00 00 
Zakariah white 00 08 00 
John easty 00 05 00 
John wooden 00 05 00 
Thomas nickals 00 05 00 
John osborne 00 04 00 
John Sible 00 04 00 
benjamin gould 00 03 00 
david richeson 00 06 00 
John buxton juner 00 04 00 
Sorg John Leach 01 04 00 
Samuell Cutlor 00 10 00 
James houlton 00 12 00 
Samuell Leach 00 10 00 
John allen 00 06 00 
James rosse 00 08 00 
Thomas Keney 00 06 00 
peter prescot 00 06 00 
homphery case 00 04 00 
william Rusell 00 12 00 
william bishop 00 07 00 
Samuell traske 00 02 00 
James Smith 00 10 00 
John Kenney 00 06 00 
Richard williams 00 04 00 
__ __ __ 
44 (?) 4 
Joseph Alene 00 07 00 
Daniell Kenney 00 04 00 
Joseph Tree 00 05 00 
benjamine wilkins ju 00 05 00 

Salem Village January 21 1705.

These may certify whom it may concern that I have recieved the full sum of seventy pounds in mony in full of my salary for ye year 1703. I say recd.
Per me Joseph Green

The Ministers Rate for the year: 1704

Daniell Andrew 01 15 00 
William Allen 00 09 00 
John Buxton sener 01 09 00 
Samuell brabrook 00 07 00 
Thomas bayly 00 05 06 
William Buckly 00 06 00 
Edward bishop 00 10 00 
Samuell bishop 00 06 00 
henry browne 00 13 00 
ezekell Cheeves 00 15 06 
Joseph Carell 00 05 00 
John darling 00 08 00 
John deale 00 05 00 
Thomas flint senr 01 16 00 
Thomas flint jun 00 06 00 
Thomas fullor sen 00 10 00 
Thomas fullor juner 00 13 00 
Jacob fullor 00 14 00 
benjamine fullor 00 10 00 
Joseph fullor 00 00 00 
Jonathan fullor 00 07 06 
John fullor 00 08 00 
John flint 00 15 00 
Zakary goodall sener 00 18 00 
Abraham goodall 00 06 00 
Joseph goodale 00 06 00 
Isack Goodale 00 13 00 
zakary goodale junr 00 11 00 
John giles 00 07 00 
Joseph huchoson sener 01 02 00 
Samuell goodale 00 11 00 
Joseph huchoson junr 00 12 00 
Joseph houlton jun 00 15 00 
John houlton 00 10 00 
henry houlton 00 13 00 
John hadlock 00 07 00 
__ __ __ 
21 04  06 
__ __ __ 
Joseph Herick 01 08 00 
John hucheson 00 12 00 
benjamine hucheson 00 14 00 
widdow houlton 00 05 06 
Nickolis howard 00 09 00 
deacon Ingorsoll 00 15 00 
henry Keney sen 00 05 00 
henry Kenney junr 00 06 00 
Samuell Lane 00 05 00 
John martine 00 06 00 
Samuell nurs 01 04 00 
Isack needham  00 06 00 
widdow osborne 00 18 00 
benjamin putnam 02 10 00 
Cap john putnam 01 00 00 
Thomas putnam 00 05 00 
Joseph putnam 02 00 00 
eliazer putnam 00 14 00 
Lef Jonathan putnam 01 08 00 
John putnam tases 01 02 00 
James putnam 01 03 00 
waltor phillips 00 08 00 
widow prston & sons 00 17 00 
Mr Joseph portor 01 15 00 
Samuell portor 00 09 00 
decon edward putnam 01 10 00 
Mr Israell portor 00 14 00 
Joseph pope 01 15  00 
James prince 00 17 00 
John putnam junr 01 07 00 
Joseph prince 00 11 00 
capt Thomas Reamond 00 15 00 
daniell Rea 01 12 00 
Joshuah Rea 00 11 00 
John Rea 00 12 00 
Samuel Rea 00 05 00 
widow Swinrton & sons 01 00 00 
Jespor Swinorton 00 14 00 
__ __ __ 
33 07 06 
__ __ __ 
Ministors Rate for the year: 1704 £ 
Joseph swinorton 00 09 00 
Benjamin swinorton 00 06 00 
Abraham smith 00 10 00 
william small 00 12 00 
John tarball 01 04 00 
william upton 00 09 00 
Samuell upton 00 09 00 
widdow walcot 00 11 00 
John walcot 00 10 00 
Joseph wheple 00 10 00 
benjamine wilkins 01 00 00 
Thomas wilkins 00 18 00 
henry wilkins & sons 00 13 00 
John wilkins 00 11 00 
zakary white 00 07 00 
John easty 00 05 00 
John wooden 00 04 00 
Thomas Nickals 00 05 00 
John osborne 00 05 00 
sarj John Leech 01 02 00 
Samuell cutlor 00 10 00 
James houlton 12 00 
Samuell Leach 00 10 00 
John Allen 00 06 00 
James Roase 00 06 00 
Thomas Kenney 00 05 00 
petor prescot 00 04 00 
homphery case 00 03 00 
william Rusell 00 10 00 
Samuell Traske 00 02 00 
John sebly 00 04 00 
benjamin gould 00 03 00 
david Richeson 00 06 00 
John buxton 00 05 00 
__ __ __ 
15 02 00 
__ __ __ 
Ministors Rate for the year 1704 
James Smith & mother 00 07 00 
John Kenney 00 04 00 
Richard williams 00 04 00 
Joseph Allen 00 06 00 
daniell Kenney 00 04 00 
benjamin wilkins juner 00 05 00 
Jonathan walcot 00 04 00 
william leach 00 05 00 
Thomas pearce 00 02 00 
John felton 00 06 00 
Nathaniell felton 00 07 00 
John goodale 00 04 00 
John upton for his mill 00 03 00 
ezekell upton for his mill 00 03 00 
John rusell 00 04 00 
Robert willis & bishops farme 00 03 00 
__ __ __ 
03 11 00 
__ __ __ 
The Totoll sum is 73 04 00 

Salem Village
January 21 1705.

These may certify whom It may concern that I have received the full sum of seventy pounds in money in full of my salary for the year 1704 I say recd
Per me
Jos: Green.

Salem Village february 10 1707

These may certify whom it may concern that I have received the full sum of seventy pounds in mony in full of my Salary for the year 1705 I say recd
Per me
Jos: Green.