University of Virginia Library

18. Creek Indian Philosopher

Modern science has opened up all avenues of philosophic realization of what electricity is, with the exception of casting aside the old aesthetic, materialistic ideas of two centuries ago, that the solar system, planets and satellites exist by crude forces as we would understand under compulsion from the base of doubt, without advancing to the revealed substance as explained by the first inspirations of the Mosaic Book of Genesis in accordance complete with the best developments of astronomical science.

"When the earth was without void or form and darkness was upon the face of the deep," was a condition that electric forces were impossible--that light was impossible--that life was impossible within the folds of where no law or regulation of centrifugal or energetic force in opposition to the inert masses that lay congealed on the dead fields of eternal space rested. The same condition would be resumed today, if all the stars, sun, moon and earth were to fall together into one mass; attraction and centrifugality would cease to develop all ethereal substances; light and life, electricity and heat, gas and water, air and vapors would be as an impossible condition as when the Mosaic account gives utterance to the first words of divine history. By that we can now understand that such was the condition first revealed to the prophet's inspiration. The rest of the account we can easily follow throughout by philosophic reason of the results of fruitful science. The purpose of this article is to show what the development of--and what electricity really is, by the unfolding revelations of modern science proving the truth of divine revelations.

Electricity is the material force developed by the powers of attraction and counter powers of centrifugal forces to a center of equipoise of the various heavenly bodies, as the sun and the planets and their auxiliary satellites develop more or less in powers as the magnitude of individual material of each body counteracted by other bodies within centrifugal attractive distance upon the bodies of each other. Where such force is of intense character as to create sufficient friction the power of electricity is of an active form, creating an intense light by force of friction--not creating combustion of oxygen--but generating an immense electric arc above the surface of such globe, as the sun and fixed stars, etc. The cell lens of these electric arcs face outwards from the globe they encircle so as to receive the counter forces of attracted electricity and present their brightest sides to outlying bodies, as planets around the sun. In evidence of this we can see dark spots on the body of the sun, where the corona of the electric arc opens this evidence to the human eyes are dark shades, as inviting as the cool shades of pleasant groves on a hot summer's day here on earth. The sun is not a ball of fire as some assert. The sun is not going to burn out and get cold as some think. The sun is not as hot as some of us think. The light of the sun half way to us is as cold as 600 degrees below zero.

This swift electric light strikes the air first away above us and that first friction moderates the temperature of that cold light before it gets down to us. Lower and lower through the air, more and more the friction and heat, the denser the air gets. Nearer to the surface of the earth, the warmer gets this swift light until it strikes the earth and receives direct resistance; then, Oh my! how hot the sun is from this last stage of resistance and friction.

The heat is caused by friction and not fire of the sun. The electricity of the dark heavenly bodies is of force only in the negative form. Unless excited to an active form by local attractions, as the lightnings of storms clouds. The northern lights or electric lights developed by the ingenuity of man.

Volcanoes are not caused by electricity, neither by consuming fires or fires of an internal nature, as a world once all afire, but now cooling off, as some say.

The internal fires of the earth are of the nature of intense heat, generated by heavy folds of garments, covering the internal depths of the earth from the intense cold of external space. Will you please try on an overcoat seven miles thick with some matches in your vest pocket?

Volcanoes are caused by fissures in the surface of the earth, reaching the force of these internal fires. As all efforts of nature is to heal injuries dealt upon their bodies, great mountains of lava and ashes is cast up to close up such fissures in the crust of the earth.

Electricity is the first possible light even before the settled conditions of the sun, moon and stars, when the angel of God passed over utter darkness, which was not of void and form.

The first act sending huge bodies apart as opposite forces in space, the sleeping germs of electricity of unknown ages spring forth into dazzling light at the command of "let there be light." Then afterwards more permanent order of these conditions evidently followed as the Mosaic account tells us. The earth was just as cool then as now; the sun is as bright and warm as then, the moon exerted her store of electricity upon the earth's weather and tides then as now. The flight of all the heavenly bodies through space have passed through varying affects of electric attractions causing the various geological conditions found here.

The terrors of the sun freezing out for want of fuel is an absolute absurdity.

The counter forces of the relations of all astronomic globes acting upon each other is electricity: and the same force of electricity existing today, will always exist, as long as these heavenly bodies remain true to their orbits and access--until the end of time comes and these vast bodies rush together and become without void or form--and the dying light of trillions of electric arcs pass away as blood upon the face of the skies. Can it be possible for the forces electricity to cease otherwise?

The light of God, revealed to man by the evidence of science, will always remain trimmed and lighted, never needing oil, stonecoal or other toxic combustibles to artificially create fire light, to suit the dull-eyed fancies of the atheistic materialist ox, who asks questions, but can never answer them. Thus can we understand the reason of Saturn's rings. How the ductile metals having affinities stronger than the brash glass of the sands for electricity, because they show the evidence of electric action by the pliance [sic] of their composition, rendering all affinities ductile by the attractive force and affinity of electricity, as the purer metals, water, flesh, vegetation, and living things have superior attracting force for electricity, as being the direct products of electricity and would become void in fact without electricity. Consequently, we are electricity in material form.

Wagoner Record, Nov. 29, 1900.