University of Virginia Library



Of Andover. She was executed, like Burroughs, on August 19, the day when Mather himself was present and said “all died by a righteous sentence” (Sewall, Diary, I. 363). “All of them,” says Judge Sewall, “said they were innocent, Carrier and all.” Important for her case are, beside the Records of Salem Witchcraft (II. 54-68, 198-199), the documents preserved by Hutchinson (Massachusetts, II., ch. I., and the draft edited by Poole in N. E. Hist. and Gen. Register, XXIV.). They are reprinted in Abbot's History of Andover (Andover, 1829), and Mrs. Bailey, in her Historical Sketches of Andover (Boston, 1880) has added others and told the story in detail (pp. 194-237). On Goodwife Carrier and her Andover neighbors see also pp. 180-182, 363, 371-375, 418-421.