University of Virginia Library


My dear Mr McCabe.

A knowledge of your
intention to visit Great Britain
this summer has induced me to
request that you will undertake
a matter for the University of Va.
By the recent fire, as you are
aware, our library was almost a
total loss; to replace our buildings
lost at the same time has strained
our finances to the utmost. We
will have a sum left totally
inadequate to supply our need of
books — Our sister institutions


in this country aided us from
their own libraries to the extent
of their power. It has occurred
to me that Oxford and Cam-
bridge actuated by the same
motives of kinship and interest
might aid us in getting the
syndicates that control the Claren-
don and Pitt presses to turn over
to us some of their publications
as a donation.

Knowing your devotion to your
alma mater, and many qualifi-
cations for this duty, I confidently
call on you to undertake this


labor of love for us and here-
with commission you as our
agent for this purpose.

With much respect,
Sincerely your friend
W.C.N. Randolph
Rector University of Va.