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Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to Sergeant Samuel Graves, 1830 May 3

Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to Sergeant Samuel Graves, 1830 May 3


Dear Bully

I have just received your letter which
is the first I have ever got from you -
I suppose the reason of my not not getting
your other was that you directed
to Washington -but I have not
been there for some time -As
to what you say about Downey
Mr. A very evidently misunderstood
me, and I wish you to understand
that I never sent any money by
Downey whatsoever-Mr. A is
not very often sober -which accounts
for it -I mentioned to him that
I had seen Downey at Balto. as
I did, & that I wished to send it
on by him, but he did not intend
going to the point.


I have tried to get the money
for you from Mr. A a dozen
times -but he always shuffles
me off -I have been very
sorry that I have never had it
in my power as yet to pay either
you or St Griffith -but altho'
appearances are very much a-
gainst me, I think you know
me sufficiently well to believe that
I have no intention of keeping you
out of your money -the very first
, you shall have it (both of
you) with interest & my best thanks
for your kindness. -I told St Benton why I never had it in my
power -He will explain it.


I suppose some of the officers
told you that I am a cadet -
If you are at any time, going
to leave the point, write to W.
Point and let me know your
station. you need be under no
uneasiness about your money.

Give my respects to the company
to St Benton & wife & sister in la w

I remain
Ys. truly
E A Poe
remember me to Mrs Graves, S t Hooper & Charley -Duke &c