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Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to Dr. Thomas A. Chivers, 1862 July 6 Manuscript, University of Virginia


Letter from Edgar Allan Poe to Dr. Thomas A. Chivers, 1862 July 6
Manuscript, University of Virginia


July 6. 1842.

My Dear Sir,

I fear you will have accused me of disrespect
in not replying to either of your three last letters -but if
so, you will have wronged me. Among all my correspond-
ents there is not one whose good opinion I am more anxious
to retain than your own. A world of perplexing business has
led me to postpone, from day to day, a duty which it is al-
ways a pleasure to perform.

Your two last letters I have not now before me. In
the first, you spoke of my notice of yourself in the Autograph
Article. The paper had scarcely gone to press before I saw and
acknowledged to myself the injustice I had done you -an injust-
ice which it is my full purpose to repair at the first opportunity.
What I said of your grammatical errors, arose from some imperfect
recollections of one or two poems sent to the first volume of the S.
L. Messenger. But in more important respects I now deeply feel
that I have wronged you by a hasty opinion. You will not
suppose me insincere in saying that I look upon some of your
late pieces as the finest I have ever read. I allude especially
to the poem about Shelley, and the one of which the refrain
is -"She came from Heaven to tell me she was blest". Upon
reading these compositions I felt the necessity of our being
friends. Will you accept my proffer of friendship?

Your last favor is dated June 11, and, in writing
it, you were doubtless unaware of my having resigned
the editorial charge of "Graham's Magazine". What disposi-
tion shall I make of the "Invocation to Spring"? The other


pieces are in the hands of my successor, Mr Griswold. +

It is my intention now to resume the project of the "Penn
Magazine". I had made every preparation for the issue
of the first number in January 1841, but relinquished the
design at Mr Grahams representation of joining me in July,
provided I would edit his Mag. in the meantime. In July
he put me off until January, and in January until July
again. He now finally declines, and I am resolved to push
forward for myself. I believe that I have many warm friends,
especially in the South and West, and were the journal fairly
before the public, I have no doubt of ultimate success. Is it
possible that you could afford me any aid, in the way of
subscribers among your friends in Middletown?

As I have no money myself, it will be absolutely ne-
cessary that I procure a partner who has some pecuniary
means. I mention this to you -for it is not impossible that
you yourself may have both the will & the ability to join
me. The first number will not appear until January, so
that I shall have time to look about me.

With sincere respect & esteem
Edgar A Poe
Dr Thos. H. Chivers