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November 4, 1857 from Ralph Randolph Gurley to Dr. James H. Minor



November 4, 1857 from Ralph Randolph Gurley [1] to Dr. James H. Minor

My Dear Sir,

Thanks for your fafavor
of the 30th ult enclosing a printed
letter from William Douglass.
From the health experienced
at Careysburg, we derive
animating hopes of the salubrity
of the highland Districts of Liberia.
I shall publish in the January
Repository Douglass' letter,
with your introductory
Remarks. Mr Mc'Lain informed
me that he sent nothing to
your people by the Stevens,
because, without loss he could
not buy with Virginia money,
& that on the whole, he thought
as well, to postpone sending


until another opportunity.
He will be most happy however
to attend to any of your
explicit instructions. He
desires me to inquire, when
and to what extent, you
will feel authorized to pay
sundry orders from the Terrill
people forwarded by Mr
Seys ? Contributions, at present,
are scarcity, & far between,
though we have reason to thank
God for notice of one or two
Generous bequests

I learn that the appropriation
by your Legislature in aid
of the Colonialization of free Colored


people, terminates soon; and is it
most important that our friends
in Virginia should look to
its renewal & if possible, in such
force, as to render it more
available. We have cause to
think Liberia, in planting which
Virginia took the lead, not a
failure, but a wonderful
success, & I grieve to think
that it should lose any thing
in the interest or affections of
your citizens. How should Virginians
universally rejoice in the great
evidences of Civilization
growing & expanding on the
west coast of Africa, through
civilized Africans sent forth from
their homes!

Very respectfully
& faithfully yours
R R Gurley
Doctor J H Minor Albemarle. Co. Va.

Ralph Randolph Gurley (1797-1872) was the head of the American Colonization Society until 1844.